E2150 - Modding Overview: Difference between revisions

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To Modify Earth 2150, you first need to understand the key files of the game and the limitations that are currently enforced upon the community due to the lack of game source code.
To modify Earth 2150, you first need to understand the key components of the game and the limitations that are currently enforced upon the community due to the lack of availible game source code.

The core is as follows:
The core is as follows:
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** The Engine is fully contained with in the game executible, for which the Source Code was lost.
** The Engine is fully contained with in the game executible, for which the Source Code was lost.
* '''Game Parameters'''
* '''Game Parameters'''
** The core configuration of the game (outside of the engine) is done in the paramenters file. The Parameters (or "par" file for short) is named aptly "Earth2150.par".
** The core configuration of the game (outside of the engine) is done in the paramenters file.
**This file contains all information on definitions, buildings, units, weapons, and much more.
**The Parameters (or "par" file for short) is named aptly "Earth2150.par".
* '''Programming Language'''
* '''Programming Language'''
** EarthC (or MoonC) is the main programming language of the game, full guides for this can be [[E2150 - EarthC Documentation|read here]].
** EarthC (or MoonC) is the main programming language of the game, full guides for this can be [[E2150 - EarthC Documentation|read here]].
* '''Tools'''
* '''Tools'''
** SDK Tools
** SDK Tools
*** To obatin access to the SDK Tools (EarthC (& MoonC), WDCreator & LangC), you will need to purcahse the "[https://store.steampowered.com/app/986230/Earth_2150__Digital_Deluxe_Content/ Earth 2150 - Deluxe Edition]"''
*** To obatin access to the SDK Tools (EarthC (& MoonC), WDCreator & LangC), you will need to purcahse the "[https://store.steampowered.com/app/986230/Earth_2150__Digital_Deluxe_Content/ Earth 2150 - Deluxe Edition]"
** Community Tools
** Community Tools
*** In the above repository, you will find a colmintation of community delveloped tools to assit with the ecxxtraction, editing and re-packaging of the requireed game files.
*** In the above repository, you will find a colmintation of community delveloped tools to assit with the ecxxtraction, editing and re-packaging of the requireed game files.