E2150 - Tournaments: Difference between revisions

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= Challonge =
Tournaments are normally managed on Challonge. You can view past tournaments [https://challonge.com/communities/InsideEarth here]
The bigger tournaments are normally announced on the [http: TBC]. You can also browse the "Tournaments" board on the [http: TBC]
At the start of the tournament a new Discord channel will be created and players are requested to join it.
Twitch and YoutTube streams are popular during the tournaments with both players and commentators streaming.
== Regular Tournaments ==
Regular Tournaments are small to medium size tournaments. Time for [[Tournaments#Sign ups|signing up]] is roughly one week and the tournaments are taking place usually on one day. Usual prizes for winners are [[Tournaments#All Avatars For Tournament Winners|Tournament Champion avatars]] and sometimes small prizes.
=== Classic 1v1 ===
Tournament with no [[Global Ranking|global rating]] or [[Leaderboards and Rating|ladder rating]] limitations. Usual time for [[Tournaments#Sign ups|sign ups]] is one week.
* Time limit per round 45 or 60 minutes
* Single Elimination or Double Elimination (depends on Tournament Director)
* Prizes:
** Winner: [[File:Tournament Champion.png]] 1v1 Tournament Champion
** 2. place: [[Tournaments#All_Avatars_For_Tournament_Winners|Faction Face Avatar]]
** 3. place: [[Tournaments#All_Avatars_For_Tournament_Winners|Faction Logo Avatar]]
=== Classic 2v2 ===
Tournament with no [[Global Ranking|rating]] or [[Leaderboards and Rating|ladder rating]] limitations. Usual time for [[Tournaments#Sign ups|sign ups]] is one week.
* Time limit per round 45 or 60 minutes
* Single Elimination or Double Elimination (depends on Tournament Director)
* Prizes:
** Winner: [[File:2v2 Tournament Champion.png]] 2v2 Tournament Champion
** 2. place: [[Tournaments#All_Avatars_For_Tournament_Winners|Faction Face Avatar]]
** 3. place: [[Tournaments#All_Avatars_For_Tournament_Winners|Faction Logo Avatar]]
* Current Champion:
** '''Koniecpolski''' ([https://challonge.com/lk6sqftu Full Bracket]
*** '''[ Casts]'''
* Previous Champions:
=== [[File:King of Faction.png]] King of Faction ===
Regular tournament where only one faction is allowed.
* Double Elimination
* Time Limit per round (usually 45 or 60 minutes)
* Prizes:
** Winner: [[Tournaments#All_Avatars_For_Tournament_Winners|King of Faction avatar]]
** 2. place: [[Tournaments#All_Avatars_For_Tournament_Winners|Faction Face Avatar]]
** 3. place: [[Tournaments#All_Avatars_For_Tournament_Winners|Faction Logo Avatar]]
== Special Tournaments ==
These tournaments are bigger than regular ones, sometimes with smaller qualification tournament first. Top players are fighting for cash prizes and unique avatars. Time for signing up is at least two weeks.
=== [[File:The Gold Series Cup.png]] [[The Gold Series Cup]] ===
=== [[File:The Silver Series Cupn.png]] [[The Silver Series Cup]] ===
=== [[File:The Bronze Series Cup.png]] [[The Bronze Series Cup]] ===
== Infinite Tournaments ==
=== [[World Championship Series]] ===