E2140 - Eurasian Dynasty - ED: Difference between revisions

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''October 11th 2048''
"We have been under fire for 8 hours. The main arsenal and all communication lines have been destroyed. Nine comrades have fallen and fourteen have been injured. I have just issued the order for everyone to go to the fallout shelter."
''October 25th 2048''
"Ground sensors are out of order. The Science Officer believes that they were damaged by the shock wave of a nearby nuclear explosion. Radiation is stable at the moment. Another comrade has been kiled."
''April 17th 2049''
"We have been here much too long. My people are panicking, although life support systems are in order and food and water supplies will last for many more months. Death will probably end this long struggle for survival. No-one can come to rescue us."
''May 21th 2049''
"I have decided to send a few men up to the surface. This has raised everyone's hopes. Although the radiation up there exceeds safety levels, a few comrades have bravely volunteered."
''June 9th 2049''
"One soldier returned. He reported that all infrastructures, including the sensor, have been totally destroyed by conventional missiles. There is some good news, though. According to his Geiger counter there is only moderate radiation on the surface."
''July 12th 2049''
"We are out, at last! Now we must start to build our temporary base. It excites all of us to see sunshine for the, first time in months."
''August 10th 2049''
"Our scouts have found some off-road vehicles hidden in one of the fallout shelters of the Irkutsk II base. The increased fuel reserves will extend our scouting range."
''August 22nd 2049''
"The scouts just brought in 12 people. Some of them were stationed nearby some time ago. Two people are suffering from radiation sickness. What a horrible sight!"
''September 2nd 2049''
"One of those suffering from radiation sickness has died. The other one will not last much longer. The soldiers now appreciate why I ordered them not to leave the fallout shelter for such an extended period of time."
''September 30th 2049.''
"There's no doubt that the central part of our country is totally devastated. The fallout coming from that region is causing recurrent increases in radiation levels. We do not know if anyone there has survived."
''October 2nd 2049''
"Our scouts have penetrated as far as 300 miles south, reaching the area once known as Mongolia. They have reported the existence of some sheep-herding tribes. The radiation level in that region is minimal."
October 6th 2049
"I've made a decision to move south. The men need something to keep them occupied."
''October 15th 2049''
"Winter is on the march. The temperature at night falls to -5°C. We spend most of our time in the fallout shelter as protection against the cold. We intend to set out for the south in the spring."
''October 20th 2049''
"The fallout shelter is locked up again. We will stay here for another few months. The leader of our brave scouts, Colonel Aniuszin, suggested that we make some preparations for our spring departure."
''December 12th 2049''
"Our comrades enjoy Colonel Aniuszin's lectures. Although I know his reports by heart, I still like to listen to his stories about what we should expect in the far south."
''March 15th 2050''
"It is so exciting to leave the fallout shelter again. Now that everyone knows exactly what he has to do, we can set off for the south within the week."
''March 22nd 2050''
"Today is the departure day. The fallout shelter is locked up and the surrounding area mined. We are travelling due south, not knowing what is waiting for us there."
In the spring of 2050, a group of soldiers under Colonel Siergiej Zugij's command set towards the Mongolian steppes to find remaining survivors. The Colonel's plan was very ambitious. As commander-in-chief he had an extremely thorough socio-political training behind him and commanded legions of troops ready and willing to lay down their lives for him. He was therefore able to capitalize on any oppurtunity to create a strong, new empire. That empire would be ruled by one person - Zugij himself.
