
From InsideEARTH
  The Moon Project / Lost Souls V 2.2 Final Multiplayer Update
  Developed by IEO - Inside Earth Operations
  https://www.moon-project.com // https://www.earth2150.com/ls/
  Installation & Important Infos
  This Setup updates The Moon Project or Lost Souls to 2.2. 
  The correct installation path of the game should be found automatically.
  The Update was only tested with Multiplayer/Skirmsh. For Singleplayer
  (Campains) its better you use only Patch 1.3 or 2.1.
  All Bonus Specials will be installed in a new folder called "Bonus".
  Change list
  LC - Lunar Corporation
- Moon III und Lunar III costs -50 CR (like 1.3)
- Crater is stronger vs ED Cannon
- All Buildings (some are seperately increased) dropspeed +11%
- Headbase, Xylit and Mine Upgrade dropspeed +22%
- Nests research costs -1000 CR
- Guardian und Defender dropspeed +100%
- Guardian -500 Hitpoints
- Anti-Air-Rocket shoots faster
- Light Rocketlauncher UPG2 (1.3 Bug) fixed, +5 sec. buildtime (=cheaper)
- AA Rocketlauncher for Lunar III and Crion available
- Heavy Rocketlauncher 1 makes a little more damage, Ammo new 50/60/70
- Crater costs -50 CR
- Crusher costs -250 CR, buildtime -10 sec
- Heavy electrocannon on buildings -50 CR
- Mine +500 CR
- Mine Upgrade Research -2000 CR
- Mine Upgrade +300 CR
- Phobos I +50 HP, costs +200 CR
- Phobos II costs +300 CR
- Detector II +100 CR
- New Hope -150 CR
- Xylit researchtime -3min, costs -6000 CR
- Solar + 25% armour
- Heavy sonic -5 sec buildtime, -200 CR
- Detector II+III sightrange reduced
- Laserwall +1000 HP
- Mainbase -1000 HP
- WCC + 2000 CR
- WCC Engery -25%
- Antirocket range -1
- Meteor MDW Shootpanel -1000 CR
- Meteors (MDW) reload time decreased
- Moon I max shield1, Moon II max shield2, Lunar III can carry shield2
- Fatgirl III -50 CR
- Researchbuilding +500 CR
- Meteor UPG1 Research -1min, UPG2 Research -2min
- Thunder UPG Research -1min
- Thunder 1 50% Armour
- Plasma costs +50 CR
  ED - Eurasian Dynasty
- U-Boats balanced 
- Ships balanced
- Shipweapons balanced
- Heavy Laser, heavy Ion, mobile Artillery available for Ships
- Ural costs -100 CR
- Sibiria costs a little decreased, Hitpoints to 700/800/900 increased
- Sibiria can carry specials
- Don UPG2 can take AA
- PowerGenerator energy transmitting range +4
- Heavy Rocketlauncher -5 seconds buildtime
- Heavy Rocketlauncher more damage at beginning, Ammo new 50/60/70
- Heavy Ion reload time decreased
- Heavy cannon ammo makes more damage at beginning
- Heavy cannon research time +1min, singlecannon is later available
- Heavy doublecannon shootrange -1, ammo -40
- Mobile Radar sightrange increased, attention: Screamer upgrades decreases the sightrange!
- Repairer needs less time to upgrade an unit
- Repairer UPG repairs faster
- Artillery +500 HP
- Scout UPG research -1000 CR
- Scout costs +400 CR
- Scout II costs +900 CR
- Heavy Laser3 +100 CR
- Light Laser3 +50 CR
- Kozak/Ataman UPG2 researchtime -1
- Bomber Chassis UPG2 researchtime -1
- Bomber Bomb damage reduced
- Fakes need no research
- Fakes buildtime decreased
- Fakes are new on the right side of the buildmenue
- Mobile Artillery costs +100 CR
- Pillbox -500 Hitpoints
  UCS - United Civilized States
- U-Boats balanced
- Shipts balanced
- Shipweapons balanced
- Scout II could carry specials - fixed
- Heavy bulding Plasma range +1
- Energy trasmitter +900 HP, range +4, costs +100 CR
- PowerGenerator +500 HP, Reactors +200 HP and +25% armour
- Mobile Radar sightrange increased
- Repairer upgrades Units faster
- Repairer UPG repairs faster
- Artillery +500 HP
- Scout UPG research -1000 CR
- Scout +400 CR
- Scout II +900 CR
- Heavy Rocketlauncher I is stronger
- Spider armour to 20/25/35% increased
- MDW launching pads needs less energy
- Antirocket range -1
- Cargo Salamander costs -300 CR
- Heavy Grenadelauncher range -1, damage a little decreased
- Heavy Cannon standard ammo damage a little increased
- Heavy Canon costs -50 CR
- Gargoil Plasmacannon II shootrate increased (=more damage)
- Gargoil UPG1/2 research time decreased
- Bomber Chassis UPG2 researchtime -1
- Cargo Salamander researchtime +2min
- Doublecannon on Buildings makes more damage
- Jaguar Research after Phanter II
- Heavy Plasmacannon on Weaponfacilites +100 CR
- Bomber Bomb damage reduced
  Other changes
- Language File fixed
- New Editor Objects from OpX added
- 2 new multiplayer maps by Seek (( 6) ZZ // Zone Zero and ( 8) Heavy Metal)
- Walls can be destroyed by sonic
- MG shoots faster, damage increased
- Weapon Factory/Mainbuilding armour from 25% to 50% increased
- SDI costs +1000 CR
- SDI researchtime +1
- SDI can shoot only only on 3 missiles, reload time decreased
- Artillery is now a single research
- Artillery shootrange +1
- Banner costs +100 CR
- Antirocket costs +200 CR
- Antirocket researchtime increased
- Ammotransporter +600 HP, 33% armour, costs x 3, max. shield1
- Antirocket cant shoot on ED MDW
- Walls and Editor Objekts have more Hitpoints
- New no ending ressource Artefacts -->
- 7 Ressource Artefacts give the same money like 7 normal Ressource points
- Light Air Units are stronger/more expensive
  Bonus Edition
- MOOS 2 by Mensi
- Mappack 1.0 by Seek
- Script/Temp Killer 1.1 by Benni
- New Interfaces 1.1 by Benni
- Earth Tuner 1.0 by Benni
- Moon Cursor for Windows by Benni
  Copyright (c) 2005 by Inside Earth Operations / ZUXXEZ ENTERTAIMENT AG
  Patch Team: Benni, Gnarf, Seek // Projectleader: Seek
  Special thanks to all People who helped us testing
  Contact / Bug Reporting
  Internet: http://www.euo-clan.com
  E-Mail: seek@gmx.ch (Seek)
  Date: 3.12.2005