E2150 - EarthNet Commands

From InsideEARTH

This article covers commands, colours and other tricks available in EarthNet chat. Some of them work in game chat as well.

EarthNet Commands

  • /help - listing of all EarthNet commands
  • /join channel_name - create or join channel
  • /send message - sends message to all peoples on current channal, or in current game
  • /msg user_name|#channel_name|$game_name message - send message to selected user, channalor play
  • /play [game_guid] game_name [game_password] - create or connect to game
  • /plays [game_guid] game_name [game_password] - create game
  • /playc [game_guid] game_name [game_password] - connect game
  • /whois user_name [game_guid] - returns user informations and statistics for all or selected game
  • /syncusers TRUE|FALSE - turn on/off users synchronisation
  • /syncchannels TRUE|FALSE - turn on/off channels synchronisation
  • /syncplays TRUE|FALSE - turn on/off plays synchronisation
  • /ladder [game_guid] - print full ladder for current server for default or selected game
  • /ladderw [game_guid] - print weekly ladder for current server for default or selected game
  • /ladderm [game_guid] - print monthly ladder for current server for default or selected game
  • /ladderpw [game_guid] - print ladder from previous week for current server for default or selected game
  • /ladderpm [game_guid] - print ladder from previous month for current server for default or selected game
  • /admin message - send message to server administrator
  • /beep [user_name|#channel_name|$game_name message] - beep on current channel, selected user, channel or game
  • /help [command] - prints help about all or selected command
  • /syncstats [TRUE|FALSE] - turn on/off stats synchronisation or synchronize imediatelly
  • /passwd [old password] [new password]
  • /nick [password] [nick]

EarthNet Special Characters

To represent special characters you have to write <a0xCODE>, where CODE must be replaced by a code from the lower table. For example, a0x086 to represent the .

  • 021 !
  • 022 "
  • 023 #
  • 024 $
  • 025 %
  • 026 &
  • 027
  • 028 (
  • 029 )
  • 030 0
  • 031 1
  • 032 2
  • 033 3
  • 034 4
  • 035 5
  • 036 6
  • 037 7
  • 038 8
  • 039 9
  • 040 @
  • 041 A
  • 042 B
  • 043 C
  • 044 D
  • 045 E
  • 046 F
  • 047 G
  • 048 H
  • 049 I
  • 050 P
  • 051 Q
  • 052 R
  • 053 S
  • 054 T
  • 055 U
  • 056 V
  • 057 W
  • 058 X
  • 059 Y
  • 060
  • 061 a
  • 062 b
  • 063 c
  • 064 d
  • 065 e
  • 066 f
  • 067 g
  • 068 h
  • 069 i
  • 07* 0 p
  • 071 q
  • 072 r
  • 073 s
  • 074 t
  • 075 u
  • 076 v
  • 077 w
  • 078 x
  • 079 y
  • 080 €
  • 081 ϑ
  • 082 ‚
  • 083 ≠
  • 084 „
  • 085 …
  • 086 †
  • 087 ‡
  • 088 ¹
  • 089 ‰
  • 090 ∀
  • 091 ‌
  • 095 •
  • 096 ‾
  • 097 —
  • 098 ¨
  • 099 ™
  • 0aa ª
  • 0ab «
  • 0ac ¬
  • 0ad -
  • 0ae ®
  • 0af –
  • 0a1 ¡
  • 0a2 ¢
  • 0a3 £
  • 0a4 ¤
  • 0a5 ¥
  • 0a6 !
  • 0a7 §
  • 0a8 ¨
  • 0a9 ©
  • 0b0 °
  • 0b1 ±

EarthNet Colours

You can also write in color in Earthnet by setting a code before your chat text that looks like this <0xFFBBGGRR> where FF stands for brightness, BB for blue tones, GG for green tones and RR stands for red tones. FF, BB, GG and RR can be replaced by any 2 hey digit-code. 00 means zero, 80 (128 decimal) is medium FF (255) is the maximum. See Wikipedia Web colors which are very similar, but use RRGGBB(FF) instead of FFBBGGRR.


  • Green - <0xff00aaff>
  • Orange - <0xff00ffaa>
  • Mustard - <0xff00aaaa>
  • Mint - <0xffaaffcc>
  • Red - <0xff0000ff>
  • White - <0xffffffff> or <*>
  • Black - <0x00000000>
  • Blue - <0xffff0000>
  • Bright Red - <0xffccddee>
  • Bright Blue - <0xffeeffcc>
  • Dark Green - <0xff00aa00>

To use flashing codes you can use <LN> or <LN,M> where N stands for the interval (20 = 1s) and M for the optional time offset. For instance: <L20>ABCD - ABCD flashes every second, <L40>AB<40,20>CD - AB blinks every 2 seconds and CD blinks also every 2s but starts 1s later.

  • <F0> - Very bright font Arial 10
  • <F1> - Bright font Arial 10
  • <F2> - Normal font Arial 10
  • <F3> - Weapon Anti air font Arial 10
  • <F4> - Weapon Anti armor font Arial 10
  • <F5> - Weapon Chemical font Arial 10
  • <F6> - Weapon Anti building font Arial 10
  • <F7> - Weapon Universal font Arial 10
  • <F8> - Special equipment font Arial 10
  • <F9> - Briefing bright font Arial 12
  • <F10> - Briefing normal font Arial 12
  • <F11> - BIG and bright font Arial 14
  • t1=1c - Zentriert den nachfolgenden Text