E2150 - Game Mods: Difference between revisions

(→‎Earth 2150 EftBP Campaigns with TMP: added silent strike mod)
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Creator: Loco
=== [https://1drv.ms/u/s!Ajzl8qm2fVDygZ41piRe2D0fQhvQ8A?e=tjC3XU UCS new campaign mod ] ===
(Existing under name '''Ciche uderzenie''' [''pl''] - a soft blow or whatever...)
This is an '''additional campaign''' for "Earth 2150: The Moon Project" '''for UCS'''. It includes 20 completely new missions.
All you have to do is: copy the file 'ONE_Campaign_v1.01.wd' to the WDFiles director
Creator: ''ONE'', tested by ''Rosic'' and ''PWL''
=== [https://1drv.ms/u/s!Ajzl8qm2fVDyiw2hT1oTid8Fj7-o?e=6CqjNZ OSMod [OSM<nowiki>]</nowiki>] ===
