E2150 - Game Mods: Difference between revisions

(→‎Earth 2150 EftBP Campaigns with TMP: added silent strike mod)
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Source: https://github.com/surrim/osmod
=== [https://1drv.ms/u/s!Ajzl8qm2fVDygZ40AnC-zBjVdbeUuA?e=RvFGvV Kill The AI] ===
This is a bundle of 3 maps by ''Mortal Combatant'' designed for 3* human players to fight against AI. Additionally it delivers a special gamemode '''KillTheAI''' which disables some researches for the players (3 first lobby slots), and adds some free technologies to the AI. Maps contain prebuilt bases with extensive fortifications. Game shouldn't be able to be won as a single praticipant.
=== [https://1drv.ms/u/s!Ajzl8qm2fVDyiwgRMWzRFRf3p7fe?e=bNpWCo Tower Defence [TD<nowiki>]</nowiki>] ===
