E2150 - Linux Installation

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At this page you should get an answer about how to get Earth2150 running on Linux Mint 20.2 from disc (using WINE).

First you need to set up a wine - compatibility layer capable of running Windows applications like Earth2150. Just follow this guide to install the /correct/ version of wine. There are many guides out there but this is one is really working.

Link to guide

If none of this works, it may be that your graphics card is simply too old (tested and worked on GTX 750 TI, but did not do so on a GTS 450).

After installing WINE, path to the location of the 'install.exe' and run it with the 'WINE Compatibility Program Loader'. From here, everything should proceed as with a standard Windows install...

Running/Updating/setup are also all run via the Program Loader.