E2150 - Lunar Corporation - LC: Difference between revisions

→‎UnitsEarth 2150 The Moon Project Manual: Updated descriptions and added Crion to data sheet
(→‎Unit Statistics: Created table of statistics)
(→‎UnitsEarth 2150 The Moon Project Manual: Updated descriptions and added Crion to data sheet)
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At the end of the 70s LC started a Mars terra-forming project. In 2085 first unmanned anti-gravitational ship was sent to Mars on a fact-finding mission then more were sent in 2090. The agenda was to make Mars a great place to live in 100 terrestrial years. Meanwhile alien technology of magnetic shields enabled construction of space ships capable of interplanetary travel without exposing passengers to solar radiation. The next 50 years were spent sending ships to Mars. A man-made greenhouse effect increased the temperature to 15 °C, rising a little each year. The scientists predicted that in 20 years they could melt the ice cap to provide enough water to sustain life on the Red Planet. Because of Great War on Earth, a threat of cosmic disaster arose which would engulf the Moon as well. Facing this reality, the citizens of Luna turned their efforts to constructing yet another home, far enough away from the Blue Planet. Unfortunately this project required lots of natural resources, far more than the barren Moon could offer. Finding them on the plunged in war Earth was the only solution.
== Units ==
== Units<ref name="TMPman">Earth 2150 The Moon Project Manual</ref> ==
{| class="wikitable"
! Unit name !! Description<ref name="TMPman">Earth 2150 The Moon Project Manual</ref>
| align="center"| '''''Lunar'''''[[File:LunarM3.png|150px|thumb|center|Lunar m3]] || This is a light, unarmored vehicle used for reconnaissance. Being equipped with light weapon systems, it's not too good in combat situations. But its power shield generator and easy maneuverability make it a fantastic escort vehicle. Cheapest LC unit, and the only one capable of mounting 1500 PSU shield (at second upgrade) out of every starting units in [[Earth2150|Earth 2150]]. It is most often used for early rush at enemy base because of its fast production time, low cost and high movement speed. Later upgraded ''Lunar m3'' can be used as mobile anti-air unit.
| align="center"| '''''Moon'''''[[File:MoonM3.png|150px|thumb|center|Moon m3]] || ADecent veryarmor fast,combined lightlywith armoredthe vehicle.possibility Aof powermounting shieldstrongest generatorshields and light weapon systems can be attached, makingmakes the Moon a powerful combat unit at a good price. This unit is the core of LC troops in the fight against enemy focused on energy weapons.
| align="center"| '''''New Hope'''''[[File:NewHope.png|150px|thumb|center|New Hope]] || This light reconnaissance vehicle was based on the Fang unit, the pride of the LC. The New Hope isn't quite as powerful as its predecessor, but it has still managed to prove its value in some tight spots. Its ability to repair itself is particularly impressive. Even after suffering extreme damage to its epoxy armor, New Hope needs only a few seconds to become fully battle-ready again. This unique feature is the result of a complex fiberglass pressing and hardening system. However, the unit has one fairly large disadvantage: there is no facility for mounting ashields weapon.stronger Thethan synthetic1000 armor allows neither welding nor riveting. So an impulse emitter is built into the chassis during the production stage. Tests have shown that this is the only weapon whose recoil doesn't tear New Hope's synthetic materialPSU. New Hope is a support unit. Used wisely, it can have a decisive effect on your entire offensive. But you'll need to develop an elastic strike-andretreatand-retreat strategy.
| align="center"| '''''Fat Girl'''''[[File:FatgM3.png|150px|thumb|center|Fat Girl]] || This is a mobile container, driven by a strong fragmentation motor which has been adapted from that previously used only be orbiting stations. The maximum lifting capacity is 3600 tons. Maximum speed is 18 km/h. Thanks to her strong engine, you can mount up to 4 light guns of any type. This makes Fat Girl an unbelievably effective frontline unit.
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| align="center"| '''''Crater'''''[[File:CraterM3.png|150px|thumb|center|Crater m3]] || When designing this vehicle, the LC engineers sacrificed speed for power, and equipped it with heavy armor and a power shield generator. The decision made Crater the most resistant of all LC units. And it's been adapted to carry high-caliber weapons that should guarantee its success in the heat of battle.
| align="center"| '''''Crusher'''''[[File:CrusherM3.png|150px|thumb|center|Crusher m3]] || This typical attack vehicle is designed to inflict huge losses on the enemy in a very short period of time. By reducing the energy consumption of the power shield generator, theThe engineers have made it possible to attach two heavy weapon systems. Because its armor is only average, the Crusher is unable to spend a long time under direct fire. You'llIt need to protectbe itprotected with an escort of smallerother units, heavytaking shield-equippedenemy units, likefire theat Lunarthemselves.
| align="center"| '''''Crion'''''[[File:Crion.png|150px|thumb|center|Crion]] || DescriptionMobile artillery unit. It usually carries long range plasma cannon that launches dense projectile which ignores target power shields. Very long range of this unit is paid for by a very slow movement speed and lack of any armor. It's better to keep Crions out of enemy weapon range.
| align="center"| '''''Meteor'''''[[File:MeteorM3.png|150px|thumb|center|Meteor m3]] || This light fighter is the first model equipped with a modified anti-gravity generator capable of rising to any altitude. It's used for reconnaissance operations and to repel enemy bombers. Due to the engine's high energy consumption, the Meteor is not equipped with magnetic shields. For purposes of attack, it comes equipped with a machine gun or light rockets.
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| align="center"| '''''Thunderer'''''[[File:ThunderM2.png|150px|thumb|center|Thunderer m2]] || Here's a huge, very slow, anti-gravity craft equipped with heavy armor. The modified engines allow it to fly at any altitude, so it can reach into the heart of an enemy base. Heavy rockets and sonic cannon make it the ideal unit for air raids against enemy troop concentrations.
| align="center"| '''''Phobos'''''[[File:Phobos.png|150px|thumb|center|Phobos]] || DescriptionTypically scout unit. Instead of radar detecting enemy units it can carry shield recharger or regenerator (since LC units doesn't need a repairer) that boosts recovery time.
| align="center"| '''''Mercury'''''[[File:Mercury_u.png|150px|thumb|center|Mercury]] || DescriptionAir supply unit. The most expensive unit in the LC assortment. Nevertheless it's quick and durable so it should be able to deliver ammunition to a unit in need and then come back safe and sound.
| align="center"| '''''Unit Transporter'''''[[File:Transporrt.png|150px|thumb|center|Unit Transporter]] || This light transport unit uses an anti-gravitation propulsion system. Its main task is to provide aerial evacuation of threatened and/or damaged units from the battlefield. Second usage for this troop-carrier can be smuggling units behind enemy lines.
| align="center"| '''''Tunel Gouger'''''[[File:TunnelG.png|150px|thumb|center|Tunel Gouger]] || Their enemy's ability to attack through tunnel systems, and the strategic advantage this brings, has long been a source of frustration for the LC leadership. So they ordered industrial plants all over the Moon to begin R&D work on a new generation excavation unit. Of the three prototypes delivered, the "Xeno Irid" model from Adams & Novok lci. got the go-ahead for mass production. A series of tests proved the unit's worth as an all-terrain vehicle as well. Plus, the unit is extremely durable - the pendulum engine can remain in operation for 120 years, while the ceramicplastic outer frame is designed to last at least 250 years.
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| ''Crusher m3'' || 1300 || 1350 || 2000 || 75 || 17 || 65
| ''Crion'' || 1400 || 750 || 1500 || 0 || 15 || 70
| ''Meteor m1'' || 600 || 180 || 0 || 25 || 36 || 30
