E2160 - Map Editor: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "https://web.archive.org/web/20060623230008/http://www.insideearth.de/index_ger.php?page=4017 Editor von Serenity on 05.07.2005 18:14 Earth 2160 kommt mit einem umfangr...")
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Earth 2160 comes with an extensive editor called Earth World Editor. It was announced that it was an editor for complete worlds, more than a simple level editor. Well, that is really the case! For in which editor of an RTS game could we change the texture of the moon? Or the changing rhythm of day and night? With which editor could we adjust the sky, rain and even snowflakes? Was there ever an editor with which you could freely configure waters, even give them a metallic appearance? Now there is, and it's all-inclusive!

Unlike in Earth 2150, the editor is a stand-alone module that is started independently of the game. The advantages are obvious: more comfortable handling, as well as a "familiar" Windows interface. The appearance of the editor interface also adapts to the selected Windows skin.
For technical reasons, it will not be possible to import old Earth 2150 maps. The Earth 4 Engine is too different from the Earth 2/Earth 3 Engine.

von Serenity on 05.07.2005 18:14

The first view
The Earth 2160 editor is divided into toolbox and viewport. The viewport behaves exactly like Earth 2160 itself: it can be rotated and tilted by right-clicking and moving the mouse, and zoomed with the mouse wheel. The toolbox is again divided into four parts: Geometry and texture, fluid pools, colours and objects. If required, various displays can be shown. If necessary, various displays can be shown to identify passable areas or cliffs that are too steep.

Textures can be blended, allowing smooth transitions; a hard transition from earth to rock is a thing of the past. There is even animated grass swaying in the wind. Textures can be removed comfortably and, above all, selectively (i.e. you can specifically remove a texture from a texture mix) with the SHIFT key. It is also possible to create your own textures, these are read in .DDS format.

Earth 2160 kommt mit einem umfangreichen Editor namens Earth World Editor daher. Es wurde verkündet, es sei ein Editor für komplette Welten, mehr als ein simpler Leveleditor. Nun ja, dem ist wirklich so! Denn in welchem Editor eines RTS Spieles konnten wir die Mondtextur ändern? Oder den Wechselrhythmus von Tag und Nacht? Mit welchem Editor konnte man Himmel, Regen und sogar Schneeflocken anpassen? Gab es jemals einen Editor, mit dem man Gewässer frei konfigurieren kann, ihnen sogar ein metallisches Aussehen geben? Jetzt gibt es ihn und er ist all-inclusive!

Geometry / Terraforming
Anders als in Earth 2150 ist der Editor ein eigenständiges Modul, welches unabhängig vom Spiel gestartet wird. Die Vorteile liegen auf der Hand: komfortableres Handling, sowie eine "vertraute" Windows Oberfläche. Das Aussehen des Editor-Interface passt sich dadurch auch an das gewählte Windows-Skin an.
The functions and possibilities are similar to those of Earth 2150, the selection of tools is enormous. New tools have also been added, such as "Copy terrain (height maps)". With this it is also possible to save terrain parts and reuse them in other maps.
Aus technischen Gründen wird kein Import von alten Earth 2150 Maps möglich sein. Dazu unterscheidet sich die Earth 4 Engine zu deutlich von der Earth 2/Earth 3 Engine.

Der erste Blick
Do you want a puddle? No problem. Do you want a lake? No problem. Maybe even an ocean that stretches across the whole map, South Sea islands included? No problem! You can also set parameters such as wind and wind direction to determine whether there are waves and how strong they are. In addition, the colour and its strength can be set, so you can make anything from clear South Sea water to a toxic green pool of slime. In addition, liquid pools can be defined as sources of raw materials, so you can use a lake as a water resource. It can also be used to create flowing lava.
Der Earth 2160 Editor ist in Werkzeugkiste und Viewport unterteilt. Der Viewport verhält sich genau wie Earth 2160 selber: gedreht und gekippt wird mit Rechtsklick und Mausbewegung, gezoomt mit dem Mausrad. Die Werkzeugkiste ist wiederum in vier Teile zerlegt: Geometrie und Textur, Flüssigkeitspools, Farben und Objekte. Bei Bedarf lassen sich versch. Anzeigen einblenden, um passierbare Stellen oder zu steile Klippen zu identifizieren.

You can colour textures as you like, for example green grass becomes red grass. The sophisticated editing tools help you to colour narrow sections or thick circles. You can also add different coloured ground fog to create a spooky atmosphere.
Texturen kann man überblenden, was weiche Übergänge ermöglicht; ein harter Übergang von Erde zu Fels gehört der Vergangenheit an. Es gibt sogar animiertes Gras, das sich im Wind wiegt. Entfernen kann man Texturen bequem und vorallem selektiv (d.h. man kann aus einem Texturmix spezifisch eine Textur entfernen) mit der SHIFT-Taste. Es sind auch komplett eigene Texturen möglich, diese werden im .DDS Format eingelesen.

Geometrie / Terraforming
With the editor you can place all objects of the game on a map. This includes all units, wrecks, ornaments from a rich vegetation assortment, stones, fountains, animated ground fog, light sources, smoke, flames/fire, etc.... Everything you need to build a fancy map.
Die Funktionen und Möglichkeiten ähneln denen von Earth 2150, die Auswahl an Werkzeugen ist enorm. Auch neue Werkzeuge sind dazugekommen, wie bsp. "Gelände (Heightmaps) kopieren". Damit ist es auch möglich, Geländeteile zu speichern und in anderen Karten wiederzuverwenden.

World settings
Here you can set everything concerning the planet: What kind of ambient light at what time, what the moon/sun should look like, what the sky looks like, and much more. If the whole thing gets too complicated, you can simply choose from a few predefined sets that are also used in the campaigns...
Wollt ihr eine Pfütze? Kein Problem. Wollt ihr einen See? Kein Problem. Vielleicht sogar einen Ozean der sich über die ganze Karte hinwegzieht, Südseeinseln inkl.? Kein Problem! Ausserdem kann man Parameter wie Wind und Windrichtung einstellen, um zu bestimmen, ob und wie stark es Wellen hat. Ausserdem lässt sich die Farbe und ihre Stärke einstellen, so kann man vom klaren Südseewasser bis zum giftgrünen Schleimtümpel alles machen. Ausserdem lassen sich Flüssigkeitspools als Rohstoffquellen definieren, so kann man einen See als Wasserressource benutzen. Ausserdem lässt sich damit auch fliessende Lava realisieren.

Editor for cutscenes
With the editor you can also create extensive cutscenes. To do this, camera positions and movements must be defined and objects must also be referenced. The cutscenes are defined in a kind of Timeline. This tool is more reminiscent of a video editing solution than a game editor.
Man kann Texturen beliebig einfärben, so wird bsp. aus grünem Gras rotes Gras. Dabei helfen die ausgefeilten Bearbeitungswerkzeuge, mit denen man schmale Abschnitte oder dicke Kreise einfärben kann. Ausserdem kann man auch verschiedenfarbigen Bodennebel einfügen, um eine gruslige Athmosphäre zu erzeugen.

[https://web.archive.org/web/20060623230008/http://www.insideearth.de/index_ger.php?page=4017 Source]

Mit dem Editor lassen sich alle Objekte des Spieles auf einer Map platzieren. Dazu gehören alle Einheiten, Wracks, Verzierungen aus einem reichhaltigen Vegetationssortiment, Steine, Fontänen, animierten Bodennebel, Lichtquellen, Rauch, Flammen/Feuer, uvm... Alles was man braucht, um eine ausgefallene Karte zu bauen.

Hier kann man so alles betreffend dem Planeten einstellen: Was für ein Umgebungslicht bei welcher Zeit, wie sollen Mond/Sonne aussehen, wie sieht der Himmel aus, und vieles mehr. Sollte einem das Ganze zu kompliziert werden, kann man einfach aus ein paar Vordefinierte Sets wählen, die auch in den Kampagnen verwendet werden...

Editor für Zwischensequenzen
Mit dem Editor kann man auch umfangreiche Zwischensequenzen erstellen. Dazu müssen Kamerapositionen und -fahrten definiert und auch Objekte referenziert werden. Die Zwischensequenzen werden in einer Art. Timeline definiert. Dieses Tool erinnert eher an eine Videoschnitlösung als an einen Spieleditor.

Revision as of 07:54, 30 September 2021

Earth 2160 comes with an extensive editor called Earth World Editor. It was announced that it was an editor for complete worlds, more than a simple level editor. Well, that is really the case! For in which editor of an RTS game could we change the texture of the moon? Or the changing rhythm of day and night? With which editor could we adjust the sky, rain and even snowflakes? Was there ever an editor with which you could freely configure waters, even give them a metallic appearance? Now there is, and it's all-inclusive!

Unlike in Earth 2150, the editor is a stand-alone module that is started independently of the game. The advantages are obvious: more comfortable handling, as well as a "familiar" Windows interface. The appearance of the editor interface also adapts to the selected Windows skin. For technical reasons, it will not be possible to import old Earth 2150 maps. The Earth 4 Engine is too different from the Earth 2/Earth 3 Engine.

	The first view

The Earth 2160 editor is divided into toolbox and viewport. The viewport behaves exactly like Earth 2160 itself: it can be rotated and tilted by right-clicking and moving the mouse, and zoomed with the mouse wheel. The toolbox is again divided into four parts: Geometry and texture, fluid pools, colours and objects. If required, various displays can be shown. If necessary, various displays can be shown to identify passable areas or cliffs that are too steep.


Textures can be blended, allowing smooth transitions; a hard transition from earth to rock is a thing of the past. There is even animated grass swaying in the wind. Textures can be removed comfortably and, above all, selectively (i.e. you can specifically remove a texture from a texture mix) with the SHIFT key. It is also possible to create your own textures, these are read in .DDS format.

	Geometry / Terraforming

The functions and possibilities are similar to those of Earth 2150, the selection of tools is enormous. New tools have also been added, such as "Copy terrain (height maps)". With this it is also possible to save terrain parts and reuse them in other maps.


Do you want a puddle? No problem. Do you want a lake? No problem. Maybe even an ocean that stretches across the whole map, South Sea islands included? No problem! You can also set parameters such as wind and wind direction to determine whether there are waves and how strong they are. In addition, the colour and its strength can be set, so you can make anything from clear South Sea water to a toxic green pool of slime. In addition, liquid pools can be defined as sources of raw materials, so you can use a lake as a water resource. It can also be used to create flowing lava.


You can colour textures as you like, for example green grass becomes red grass. The sophisticated editing tools help you to colour narrow sections or thick circles. You can also add different coloured ground fog to create a spooky atmosphere.


With the editor you can place all objects of the game on a map. This includes all units, wrecks, ornaments from a rich vegetation assortment, stones, fountains, animated ground fog, light sources, smoke, flames/fire, etc.... Everything you need to build a fancy map.

	World settings

Here you can set everything concerning the planet: What kind of ambient light at what time, what the moon/sun should look like, what the sky looks like, and much more. If the whole thing gets too complicated, you can simply choose from a few predefined sets that are also used in the campaigns...

	Editor for cutscenes

With the editor you can also create extensive cutscenes. To do this, camera positions and movements must be defined and objects must also be referenced. The cutscenes are defined in a kind of Timeline. This tool is more reminiscent of a video editing solution than a game editor.
