Game Issues Log: Difference between revisions

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[!Ajzl8qm2fVDygZ5DCl4ikXAFjuZdng?e=Y2IWKX TMP v2.2 PowerShell Script]
[!Ajzl8qm2fVDyga4D6rlQLlqQ1EJpxQ?e=BEnrYx LS v2.2 PowerShell Script]
'''1.c Using any Hex Editor with "Escape from the Blue Planet" EXE Patched to or "The Moon Project" or "Lost Souls" EXE Patched to 2.2 with no other modifications ([!Ajzl8qm2fVDygZ0Ut_tdohDH8N7Ujw?e=maE1SL download link for TMP]) ;''' - Credit: Guardian
'''2. Run the game in a non 16:9 aspect ratio such as 4:3 or 16:10, see here for aspect ratio options (<>).'''
