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=== Game Patches ===
''Place the patch file executable in the root of the game directory and "Run as Admin"''
* [https://1drvgit.msio/u/s!Ajzl8qm2fVDygZ4H7g0s4lV_bgavsw?e=iZjDfcJ0H4f Escape from the Blue Planet -]
* [https://1drvgit.msio/u/s!Ajzl8qm2fVDygd5xKL0DuJnEWtGIvA?e=9L5xLwJ0HYO The Moon Project - 2.1.1]
* [https://1drvgit.msio/u/s!Ajzl8qm2fVDyimhaZPDEAJrFacgF?e=AcApK8J0HnU The Moon Project - 2.2 EN]
* [https://1drvgit.msio/u/s!Ajzl8qm2fVDyimkUw7zVDaX7Zy1Y?e=qZaZNdJ0Hnw The Moon Project - 2.2 DE]
* [The Moon Project - 2.2.1]
* [https://1drvgit.msio/u/s!Ajzl8qm2fVDyim5UVlsxCR6urjyL?e=aRI6hsJ0HOT Lost Souls - 2.2 EN1.1]
* [https://1drvgit.msio/u/s!Ajzl8qm2fVDyimzIeFvlsU4gpVLs?e=oVqMUzJ0HOj Lost Souls - 2.2 DEEN]
* [https://git.io/J0HGX Lost Souls - 2.2 DE]
* [https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=%21AGVGn4WuRJfsi0g&id=F2507DB6A9F2E53C%21123&cid=F2507DB6A9F2E53C All Patches]
* [Lost Souls - 2.2.1]
* [https://github.com/InsideEarth2150/Patches All Patches]
See [[#Patch_Release_Notes_.26_Change_Logs|Release Notes]]


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