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E2150 - Modding Overview: Difference between revisions

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* The Engine is fully contained with inwithin the game executibleexecutable, for which the Source Code was lost.
'''Game Parameters'''
* The core configuration of the game (outside of the engine) is done in the paramenters file.
*This file contains all information on definitions, buildings, units, weapons, and much more.
*The Parametersparameters (or "par" file for short) is named aptly "Earth2150.par".
'''Programming Language'''
* EarthC (or MoonC) is the main programming language for the game.
* The is useddused to create Campaigns, Gametypes, Unit & AI Scripts.
* Full guides for this can be found [[E2150 - EarthC Documentation|here]].
* SDK Tools
** To obatinobtain access to the SDK Tools (EarthC (& MoonC), WDCreator & LangC), you will need to purcahsepurchase the "[https://store.steampowered.com/app/986230/Earth_2150__Digital_Deluxe_Content/ Earth 2150 - Deluxe Edition]"
* Community Tools
** In the above repository, you will find a colmintationcombination of community delvelopeddeveloped tools to assitassist with the ecxxtractionextraction, editing and re-packaging of the requireedrequired game files.
In addition to the above, the following information should be understood;
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* Any and all modified files should be compiled into a single ".WD" file, that is then placed into a "CustomWDFiles" folder that resides in the Game DirectoyDirectory Root, or within the existing "WDFiles" foldermfolder, however the later is not recomendedrecommended.


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