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E2150 - Weather: Difference between revisions

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Snow is an effect that can reduce sight range of an object within its range, by 1. Sight range is calculated in 4x4 square areas so it virtually reduces sight range by 4 tiles - same as the night does.
Weather control center needs to be charged at 50% to cast this effect, what takes 7,5 minutes. The effect lasts in range of 30 tiles, for 2m10s, with 1m40s at full intensity.
== Rain ==
Rain is an effect that can reduce movement speed of all units in its area. Being in the area of rains effect, doubles the time a unit needs to move by 1 square, which is the same penalty as a unit may get if moving at night with lights off. Thus a unit with lights off, at night and in rain will move 3x slower.
Weather control center needs to be charged at 50% to cast this effect, what takes 7,5 minutes. The effect lasts in range of 30 tiles, for 2m10s, with 1m40s at full intensity.
== Wind ==
Wind is a global effect that affects the movement speed of all air units. it triples the time an air unit needs to move by 1 square. Thus an air unit without lights, at night, rain and wind, would move 5x slower. Wind has a global range (works on entire level). If it is created by WCC, its direction is determined my the vector between WCC building and click location. Multiple wind effects stack, so two WCCs could create 2 wind effects in opposite direction, which would effectively void the wind effect. The stacked wind speed is capped at 15 m/s. Wind can also move clouds, shifting weather effects, although it is not too significant.
Weather control center needs to be charged at 50% to cast this effect, what takes 7,5 minutes. The effect lasts for 1m30s, with 1m at full intensity.
== Thunderstorm ==
[[File:Rainstorm.png|thumb|Rainstorm over a player's base]]
Thunderstorm spawns lightnings on the area, that damage and destroy units and buildings. The lightnings are more likely to hit targets that are placed higher, what can make it worth to build structures in the vicinity of higher terrain. Unless spawned with console command, thunderstorms always come with rain effect.
Weather control center needs to be charged at 100% to cast this effect, what takes 15 minutes. The effect lasts in range of 30 tiles, for 1m30s, with 1m at full intensity.
For technical details, see a [[E2150 - Weather - Technical data|dedicated site]].
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Meteors are another destructive weather effect, which similarly to thunderstorm hits multiple targets at the area it happens. Meteors are stronger however, since they don't get intercepted by higher elements, they deal AOE damage and cannot be canceled with Weather Control Center.
Weather control center needs to be charged at 100% to cast this effect, what takes 15 minutes. The effect lasts in range of 30 tiles, for 1m30s, with 1m at full intensity.
For technical details, see a [[E2150 - Weather - Technical data|dedicated site]].
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